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Bringing higher education to three prisons near Cornell University

Apply to be an Instructor

Returning Instructors: Please contact Associate Director of Program Development & Operations, Keisha Burrow (Slaughter).

New Instructors: Please follow the instructions in the blue box below to begin an application process.

Eligibility: Cornell doctoral students who have passed their ‘A’ exams are considered eligible to apply to teach a course in the prisons. We occasionally build courses for graduate students in specific fields who have completed a Master’s degree or have taken at least six graduate courses in the area of instruction. We are able to subsidize a finite number of doctoral candidates as instructors each semester, and selected pairs of law students may receive course credit for co-teaching in the CPEP law teaching practicum. Law students who are interested in this option should also contact Julia Mizutani, Adjunct Professor of Law.  We also welcome proposals from postdoctoral fellows and faculty, as well as occasional second-year graduate students in professional programs (e.g. MBA). Feel free to contact our office to learn about the selection process and curricular needs.

Apply to be an Instructor:

Priority consideration for summer and fall 2025 teaching will be given to applications received by February 28, 2025 however we will continue to accept applications until all curricular needs are met.  Offers of placement are generally extended as soon as a qualified instructor is found, so we recommend applying early.

Summer semester dates:  May 27- July 25 (class meets 2X weekly for roughly 8 weeks, no classes held on June 19 or July 4)

Fall semester dates:  August 25- December 12 (class meets 1X weekly for roughly 15 weeks)

Please complete these two application forms to apply as an instructor, clarifying which semester(s) you are applying for:

  • Part 1. Applicant Information
  • Part 2. Attachments – please submit a CV, cover letter (statement of interest), and a recent transcript. For the cover letter, we are especially interested if you would respond to these two questions: “What draws you to teaching in this context? What prepares you to be effective here?”

Instructor’s Manual: For a broad introduction to the experience of serving as an instructor for the program, see the following instructors’ manual: