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Bringing higher education to three prisons near Cornell University

Writer’s Bloc Literary Journal

WritersBloc 1Writer’s Bloc:
Undergraduates Rahul Desai (’10) and Julia Woodward (’10) established Writer’s Bloc literary journal with the intent of providing CPEP students with an outlet for their talents and the campus population a lens to their counterparts’ vision and abilities. Recipients of Cornell’s Robinson-Appel Humanitarian Award, CPEP volunteers Rahul and Esther Kwan (’11) made it possible to continue publication of Writer’s Bloc in the 2010-2011 academic year by channeling accompanying funds to this CPEP project. Esther and Adina Rubin-Budick ’13 established the eponymous Writer’s Bloc student organization on campus to promote incarcerated peoples’ self-expression and to educate the general population about incarceration. In the Fall of 2013 Shane Kalb became president of Writer’s Bloc. In the Fall of 2014 Owen Lee-Park ’15 became editor of Writer’s Bloc. Check out the archive of issues here.